Virtual Private LAN Service184FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: 13Figure 26 External Packet Forwarding5.4.12.1 Configuration ModelThe EPF IP configuration is accepted only when the following conditions are met:• the EPF IP is configured on v-VPLS,• a VPRN / IES interface is present over the v-VPLS on which EPF IP is configured,• the VPRN / IES interface over the v-VPLS must have an primary IP Address,• the configured EPF IP address is not the same as the VPRN / IES interfaceprimary IP address,• the VPRN / IES interface primary IP address must be in the same subnet as theIP address of the configured EPF IP.MPLS VPNVoIPVoIPplatform7600PoPRouter“R”IP vMAC VPOTSPOTSVLAN Voice & H.248VLAN OAMISAMISAM-VNT I/O interfaceNTNTIP vMAC RIPvMAC Vsource destPOTSPOTSMANIPvMACRIPvMAC Vsource dest