FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Virtual Private Routed Network ServiceIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 5177.10.9.33 next-hop-selfTable 530 next-hop-self commandDescription This command enables BGP multipath.When multipath is enabled BGP load shares traffic across multiple links. Multipath can beconfigured to load share traffic across a maximum of 8 routes. If the equal cost routes availableare more than the configured value, then routes with the lowest next-hop IP address value arechosen.This configuration parameter can be set at three levels: global level (applies to all peers), grouplevel (applies to all peers in group) or neighbor level (only applies to specified peer). The mostspecific value is used.Multipath is effectively disabled if the value is set to one. When multipath is disabled, andmultiple equal cost routes are available, the route with the lowest next-hop IP address will beused.The no form of the command used at the global level reverts to default values.Default no multipath — Multipath disabled.Parameters max-paths — The number of equal cost routes to use for multipath routing. If more equal costroutes exist than the configured value, routes with the lowest next-hop value are chosen.Setting this value to 1 disables multipath.Values: 1 — 8Item Description(2 of 2)Item DescriptionSyntax [no] next-hop-selfContext configure>service>vprn>bgp>groupconfigure>service>vprn>bgp>group>neighborDescription This command configures the group or neighbor to always set the NEXTHOP path attribute toits own physical interface when advertising to a peer.This is primarily used to avoid third-party route advertisements when connected to amulti-access network.The no form of the command used at the group level allows third-party route advertisementsin a multi-access network.The no form of the command used at the neighbor level reverts to the value defined at thegroup level.Default no next-hop-self — Third-party route advertisements are allowed.