FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Internet Enhanced ServiceIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 3576 Internet Enhanced Service6.1 In This Chapter6.2 IES Services Overview6.3 IES Features6.4 Configuring an IES Service with CLI6.5 Basic Configuration6.6 Common Configuration Tasks6.7 Configuring IES Components6.8 Service Management Tasks6.9 IES Services CLI Command Reference6.10 IES Service CLI Configuration Commands6.1 In This ChapterThis chapter provides information about Internet Enhanced Service (IES), processoverview, and implementation notes.6.2 IES Services OverviewInternet Enhanced Service (IES) is a routed connectivity service where thesubscriber communicates with an IP router interface to send and receive Internettraffic. An IES has one or more logical IP routing interfaces each with a SAP whichacts as the access point to the subscriber’s network. IES allows customer-facing IPinterfaces to participate in the same routing instance used for service network corerouting connectivity. IES services require that the IP addressing scheme used by thesubscriber be unique between other provider addressing schemes and potentiallythe entire Internet.While IES is part of the routing domain, the usable IP address space may be limited.This allows a portion of the service provider address space to be reserved for serviceIP provisioning, and be administered by a separate but subordinate addressauthority.IP interfaces defined within the context of an IES service must have a SAPassociated as the access point to the subscriber network.