FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Virtual Private Routed Network ServiceIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 4217 Virtual Private Routed NetworkService7.1 In This Chapter7.2 VPRN Service Overview7.3 VPRN Features7.4 Configuring a VPRN Service with CLI7.5 Basic Configuration7.6 Common Configuration Tasks7.7 Configuring VPRN Components7.8 Service Management Tasks7.9 VPRN Services CLI Command Reference7.10 VPRN Service CLI Configuration Commands7.1 In This ChapterThis chapter provides information about Internet Enhanced Service (VPRN), processoverview, and implementation notes.7.2 VPRN Service OverviewRFC2547bis is an extension to the original RFC 2547, which details a method ofdistributing routing information and forwarding data to provide a Layer 3 VirtualPrivate Network (VPN) service to end customers.Each Virtual Private Routed Network (VPRN) consists of a set of customer sitesconnected to one or more PE routers. Each associated PE router maintains aseparate IP forwarding table for each VPRN. Additionally, the PE routers exchangethe routing information configured or learned from all customer sites via MP-BGPpeering. Each route exchanged via the MP-BGP protocol includes a RouteDistinguisher (RD), which identifies the VPRN association.