Virtual Private LAN Service212FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: Enabling Statistics collection and PM collection onan SAPStatistics collection and PM collection are enabled on an SAP when “enable-stats” isconfigured on that SAP.The operator can then monitor ingress packets/octets and egress packets/octets onan SAP.32 15-minute interval and two 1-day interval instances will be collected and wraparound after that.The following example displays the enable-stats configuration:*A:ALA-Dut-B>configure>service>vpls # info----------------------------------------------description "VPLS service 2100"sap lt:1/1/1:5 createdescription "Sap description for service id 2100"enable-statsexitno shutdown----------------------------------------------*A:ALA-Dut-B>configure>service>vpls#To disable enable-stats, use the no enable-stats command.*A:ALA-Dut-B>configure>service>vpls# info----------------------------------------------description "VPLS service 2100"sap lt:1/1/1:5 createdescription "Sap description for service id 2100"no enable-statsexitno shutdown----------------------------------------------*A:ALA-Dut-B>configure>service>vpls#5.8.6 STP SAP Operational StatesThe operational state of STP within an SAP controls how BPDUs are transmitted andhandled when received. Defined states are:• Operationally Disabled• Operationally Discarding• Operationally Learning• Operationally Forwarding