FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Virtual Private LAN ServiceIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 2595.16.2.15 addressTable 138 address commandTable 139 StatesItem DescriptionSyntax address ip-address[/mask]no addressContext configure>service>vpls>interfaceDescription This command assigns an IP address, IP subnet, to a VPLS management router interface.Only one IP address can be associated with an IP interface. An IP address and a mask areused together to create a local IP prefix. The defined IP prefix must be unique within the contextof the routing instance. It cannot overlap with other existing IP prefixes defined as local subnetson other IP interfaces in the same routing context within the ISAM.The IP address for the interface can be entered in CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)notation.By default, no IP address or subnet association exists on an IP interface until it is explicitlycreated.Use the no form of this command to remove the IP address assignment from the IP interface.When the no address command is entered, the interface becomes operationally down.The operational state is a read-only variable and the only controlling variables are the addressand admin states (see Table 139). The address and admin states are independent and can beset independently. If an interface is in an administratively up state and an address is assigned,it becomes operationally up and the protocol interfaces and the MPLS LSPs associated withthat IP interface will be reinitialized.Parameter ip-address — The IP address of the IP interface. The ip-address portion of the addresscommand specifies the IP host address that will be used by the IP interface within the subnet.This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted decimal notation.Address Admin State Oper StateNo address up downNo address down down1.1.1.1 up up1.1.1.1 down down