FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Internet Enhanced ServiceIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 4096.10.9.12 summaryTable 391 summary commandTable 392 describes the command output fields.Table 392 Show DHCP6 Summary Output6.10.9.13 lease-stateTable 393 lease-state commandItem DescriptionSyntax summaryContext show>service>id>dhcp6Description Displays DHCP6 configuration summary information.Label DescriptionInterface Name Name of the interface.SapId The configuration identification.Used/Max Relay Used — The number of lease-states that are currently in use on a specific interface, thatis, the number of clients on that interface got an IP address by DHCP. This value isalways less than or equal to the ‘Provided’ field.Max — The lease-populate value that is configured for a specific interface.Admin Indicates the administrative state.Oper relay Indicates the operative state.Item DescriptionSyntax lease-state [detail]lease-state [detail] interface interface-namelease-state [detail] ipv6-address ipv6-prefix[/prefix-length]lease-state [detail] mac ieee-addressContext show>service>id>dhcp6Description This command displays DHCP lease state related information.(1 of 2)