FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Internet Enhanced ServiceIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 3776.10.4.7 local-proxy-arpTable 336 local-proxy-arp command6.10.4.8 loopbackTable 337 loopback commandDescription This command configures the IP maximum transmit unit (packet) for the interface.If the configured value is less than or equal to 9194, it applies to both the control plane and thedata plan (fast path).If the configured value is greater than 9194, then the value is applied only to the data plane andthe control plane will set the value to 9194 (control plane maximum MTU).The no form of the command returns the default value of 1518.Default no ip-mtuParameters octets — Number of octetsValues: 512 to 9194Item Description(2 of 2)Item DescriptionSyntax [no] local-proxy-arpContext configure>service>ies>interfaceDescription This command enables local proxy ARP. When local proxy ARP is enabled on an IP interface,the system responds to all ARP requests for IP addresses belonging to the subnet with its ownMAC address, and thus will become the forwarding point for all traffic between hosts in thatsubnet. When local-proxy-arp is enabled, ICMP redirects on the ports associated with theservice are automatically blocked.Default no local-proxy-arpItem DescriptionSyntax [no] loopbackContext configure>service>ies>interfaceDescription This command specifies that the associated interface is a loopback interface that has noassociated physical interface. As a result, the associated IES interface cannot be bound to aSAP.Note that you can configure an IES interface as a loopback interface by issuing the loopbackcommand instead of the sap command. The loopback flag cannot be set on an interface wherea SAP is already defined and a SAP cannot be defined on a loopback interface.