Virtual Private Routed Network Service524FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: advertise-subnetTable 543 advertise-subnet command7.10.10.7 authentication-keyTable 544 authentication-key commandDescription This command creates a context to configure an OSPF interface.By default interfaces are not activated in any interior gateway protocol such as OSPF unlessexplicitly configured.The no form of the command deletes the OSPF interface configuration for this interface. Theshutdown command in the configure>router>ospf>interface context can be used to disable aninterface without removing the configuration for the interface.Default no interface — No OSPF interfaces are defined.Parameters ip-int-name — The IP interface name. Interface names must be unique within the group ofdefined IP interfaces for configure router interface and configure service vprn interfacecommands. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. Interface names can beany string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the stringcontains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed withindouble quotes.If the IP interface name does not exist or does not have an IP address configured, an errormessage will be returned.If the IP interface exists in a different area, it will be moved to this area.Item Description(2 of 2)Item DescriptionSyntax [no] advertise-subnetContext configure>service>vprn>ospf>area>interfaceDescription This command enables advertising point-to-point interfaces as subnet routes (network numberand mask). When disabled, point-to-point interfaces are advertised as host routes.The no form of the command disables advertising point-to-point interfaces as subnet routesmeaning they are advertised as host routes.Default advertise-subnet — Advertises point-to-point interfaces as subnet routes.Item DescriptionSyntax authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash2]no authentication-keyContext configure>service>vprn>ospf>area>interface(1 of 2)