Virtual Private Routed Network Service464FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: rate-limitTable 438 rate-limit commandParameters cir cir-rate — The committed information rate expressed in kbps.Values: up to 100 Gbpspir pir-rate — The peak information rate expressed in kbps.Values: up to 100 Gbpscbs cbs-size — The committed burst size expressed in kBytes.Default: 256 MbytesValues: up to 256 Mbytespbs pbs-size — The peak burst size expressed in kBytes.Default: 256 MbytesValues: up to 256 MbytesItem Description(2 of 2)Item DescriptionSyntax rate-limit cir cir-rate pir pir-rate [cbs cbs-size] [pbs pbs-size]no rate-limitContext configure>service>ies>ingressDescription This command defines the aggregate ingress rate limit per VPLS service.It applies to traffic associated to the VPLS service which is ingressing on regular ports (networkports)The committed information rate and the peak information rate are enteredOptionally, the committed burst size and the peak burst size may be entered. If these valuesare not specified, they assume the default value of 256 Mbytes.The no form of this command removes rate limiting from a VPLS.Parameters cir cir-rate — The committed information rate expressed in kbps.Values: up to 100 Gbpspir pir-rate — The peak information rate expressed in kbps.Values: up to 100 Gbpscbs cbs-size — The committed burst size expressed in kBytes.Default: 256 MbytesValues: up to 256 Mbytespbs pbs-size — The peak burst size expressed in kBytes.Default: 256 MbytesValues: up to 256 Mbytes