FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Mirror ServicesIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 6118 Mirror Services8.1 Service Mirroring8.2 Mirror Implementation8.3 Configuration Notes8.4 Basic Mirroring Configuration8.5 Common Configuration Tasks8.6 Mirror Service CLI Command Reference8.7 Mirror Service CLI Configuration Commands8.1 Service MirroringWhen troubleshooting complex operational problems, customer packets can beexamined as they traverse the network. One way to accomplish this is with anoverlay of network analyzers established at multiple points of presence, together withskilled technicians to operate them to decode the data provided. This method oftraffic mirroring often requires setting up complex filters in multiple switches and/orrouters. These are, at best, only able to mirror from one port to another on the samedevice.Nokia Service Mirroring extends and integrates these capabilities into the networkand provides significant operational benefits. Each system can mirror packets froma defined set of ports to any destination point in the network.Original packets are forwarded while a copy is sent out the mirrored port to themirroring (destination) port. Service mirroring allows an operator to see the actualtraffic on a customer’s service with a sniffer sitting in a central location. In manycases, this reduces the need for a separate, costly overlay sniffer network.8.2 Mirror ImplementationMirroring can be implemented on ingress or egress PORTS.