FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide Virtual Private LAN ServiceIssue: 13 3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA 2535.16.2.2 def-mesh-vc-idTable 125 def-mesh-vc-id command5.16.2.3 disable-agingTable 126 disable-aging commandItem DescriptionSyntax def-mesh-vc-id vc-idno disable-learning [vc-id]Context configure>service>vplsDescription This command configures the value used by each end of a tunnel to identify the VC. If thiscommand is not configured, then the service ID value is used as the VC-ID.This VC-ID is used instead of a label to identify a virtual circuit.The VC-ID is significant betweenpeer ISAMs on the same hierarchical level. The value of a VC-ID is conceptually independentfrom the value of the label or any other datalink specific information of the VC.The no form of this command disables the VC-ID.Default NoneParameter vc-id - The virtual circuit ID.Values: 1...4294967295Item DescriptionSyntax [no] disable-agingContext configure>service>vplsconfig>service>pw-templateDescription This command disables MAC address aging across a VPLS service or on a VPLS service SAPor spoke SDP.Like in a Layer 2 switch, learned MACs can be aged out if no packets are sourced from theMAC address for a period of time (the aging time). In each VPLS service instance, there areindependent aging timers for local learned MAC and remote learned MAC entries in the VPLSforwarding database (FDB). The disable-aging command turns off aging for local and remotelearned MAC addresses.When no disable-aging is specified for a VPLS, it is possible to disable aging for specificSAPs and/or spoke SDPs by entering the disable-aging command at the appropriate level.When the disable-aging command is entered at the VPLS level, the disable-aging state ofindividual SAPs or SDPs will be ignored.The no form of this command enables aging on the VPLS service.Default no disable-aging