Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav III190-02177-00 Rev. ASYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX95AUDIO PANEL AND CNS6 COM3 – Not used in Cessna Nav III aircraft.7 COM 1/2 – Split COM Key. Allows simultaneous transmission on COM1 and COM2 by the pilot and copilot.8 TEL – Not used in Cessna Nav III aircraft.9 PA – Selects the passenger address system. The selected COM transmitter is deselected when the PA Keyis pressed. [182T, (T)182T, (J)182T, 206H, and (T)206H only.]10 SPKR – Selects and deselects the cabin speaker. COM and NAV receiver audio can be heard on thespeaker.11 MKR/MUTE – Selects marker beacon receiver audio. Mutes the currently received marker beacon receiveraudio. Unmutes automatically when new marker beacon audio is received. Also, stops play of recordedCOM audio.12 HI SENS – Press to increase marker beacon receiver sensitivity. Press again to return to low sensitivity.13 DME – Turns optional DME audio on or off.14 NAV1 – When selected, audio from the #1 NAV receiver can be heard.15 ADF – Turns optional ADF receiver audio on or off.16 NAV2 – When selected, audio from the #2 NAV receiver can be heard.17 AUX – Not used in Cessna Nav III aircraft.18 MAN SQ – Enables manual squelch for the intercom. When the intercom is active, press the PILOT Knobto illuminate the squelch annunciation. Turn the PILOT/PASS Knobs to adjust squelch.19 PLAY – Press once to play the last recorded COM audio. Press again while audio is playing and theprevious block of recorded audio is played. Each subsequent press plays each previously recorded block.Pressing the MKR/MUTE Key during play of a memory block stops play.20 PILOT – Selects and deselects the pilot intercom isolation.21 COPLT – Selects and deselects the copilot intercom isolation.22 PILOT Knob – Press to switch between volume and squelch control as indicated by illumination of VOLor SQ. Turn to adjust intercom volume or squelch. The MAN SQ Key must be selected to allow squelchadjustment.23 PASS Knob – Turn to adjust Copilot/Passenger intercom volume or squelch. The MAN SQ Key must beselected to allow squelch adjustment.24 DISPLAY BACKUP Button – Manually selects Reversionary Mode.