190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna NAV III85ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL&CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEXELECTRICALCurrent for the battery (Battery Amps) and bus voltage (Bus Volts) are displayed in numerical digits and arelocated on the Engine System Page.Figure 3-9 Electrical GroupBattery AmmeterBus VoltmeterTURBINE INLET TEMPERATURETurbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) horizontal bar indicators is displayed on the main Engine Page and on theEngine Lean page. The Engine Lean page also displays the numerical temperature in degrees of Fahrenheit (°F).Figure 3-10 Turbine Inlet TemperatureTIT HorizontalBar IndicatorTIT NumericalIndicatorEXHAUST GAS TEMPERATUREExhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) readout for the selected cylinder is displayed on the Engine Lean Page. Thetemperature readout is displayed in degrees of Fahrenheit (°F).Figure 3-11 Exhaust Gas Temperatures (Normal)CylinderSelectedIn CyanCYLINDER HEAD TEMPERATURECylinder Head Temperature (CHT) readout is shown near the bottom Engine Lean Page.Figure 3-12 Cylinder Head Temperatures (CHT)Cylinder HeadTemperaturesin Cyan