190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX453APPENDIX DNormal (OBS not activated) OBS• Automatic sequencing of waypoints • Manual sequencing - ‘holds’ on selected waypoint• Manual course change on HSI not possible • Manually select course to waypoint from HSI• Always navigates ‘TO’ the active waypoint • Indicates ‘TO’ or ‘FROM’ waypoint• Must be in this mode for final approach course • Cannot be set for final approach course or published holding patternsWhen OBS mode is active, the system allows the pilot to set a desired course to/from a waypoint using theCRS/BARO Knob and HSI (much like a VOR).The most common application for using the OBS Softkey is the missed approach. The system suspendsautomatic waypoint sequencing (indicated by a ‘SUSP’ annunciation placed on the HSI) when the missedapproach point (MAP) is crossed. This prevents the system from automatically sequencing to the missedapproach holding point (MAHP). During this time, the OBS Softkey designation changes to SUSP. Pressingthe SUSP Softkey reactivates automatic waypoint sequencing. The OBS Softkey then resumes its normalfunctionality.Why MIghT The SySTeM noT aUToMaTICally SeqUenCe To The neXT WayPoInT?The system only sequences flight plan waypoints when automatic sequencing is enabled (i.e., no ‘OBS’ or‘SUSP’ annunciation on the HSI). For automatic sequencing to occur, the aircraft must also cross the bisector ofthe turn being navigated. The bisector is a line passing through the waypoint common to two flight plan legsat an equal angle from each leg.hoW Can a WayPoInT Be SkIPPeD In an aPProaCh, a DeParTUre, or an arrIval?The system allows the pilot to manually select any approach, departure, or arrival leg as the active leg ofthe flight plan. This procedure is performed on the MFD from the Active Flight Plan Page by highlighting thedesired waypoint and pressing the ACT Leg Softkey then the ENT Key to approve the selection. The GPS thenprovides navigation along the selected flight plan leg.When DoeS TUrn anTICIPaTIon BegIn?The system smooths adjacent leg transitions based on a normal 15° bank angle (with the ability to roll up to30°) and provides three pilot cues for turn anticipation:• A waypoint alert (‘Next DTK ###° in # seconds’ or ‘Next HDG ###° in # seconds’) appears on the PFD 10seconds before the turn point and flashes as it counts down to zero.• A flashing turn advisory (‘Turn [right/left] to ###° in # seconds’) appears on the PFD 10 seconds before theturn and flashes as it counts down to zero. ‘Turn [right/left] to ###° now’ or ‘Next [DTK/HDG] to ###° now’is displayed when the pilot is to begin the turn and the HSI (GPS mode) automatically sequences to the nextDTK or HDG value.• The To/From indicator on the HSI flips momentarily to indicate that the midpoint of the turn has beencrossed.