Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav III190-02177-00 Rev. A357AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMSYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL&CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEXFigure 7-16 Vertical Path Tracking ModeVNV Target AltitudeCapture ArmedVertical PathTracking ActiveGPS is SelectedNavigationSourceTerminalPhase ofFlightCommand Bars Indicate Descent toMaintain Required Vertical SpeedVNV TargetAltitudeRequiredVerticalSpeed BugVertical DeviationIndicator (VDI)If the altimeter barometric setting is adjusted while Vertical Path Tracking is active, the flight directorincreases/decreases the descent rate by up to 500 fpm to re-establish the aircraft on the descent path(without commanding a climb). Adjusting the altimeter barometric setting creates discontinuities in VNVvertical deviation, moving the descent path. For large adjustments, it may take several minutes for theaircraft to re-establish on the descent path. If the change is made while nearing a waypoint with a VNVTarget Altitude, the aircraft may not re-establish on the descent path in time to meet the vertical constraint.Automatic Reversion to Pitch Hold ModeSeveral situations can occur while Vertical Path Tracking Mode is active which cause the flight directorto revert to Pitch Hold Mode:• Vertical deviation exceeds 200 feet during an overspeed condition.• Vertical deviation experiences a discontinuity that both exceeds 200 feet in magnitude and results inthe vertical deviation exceeding 200 feet in magnitude. Such discontinuities are usually caused byflight plan changes that affect the vertical profile.• Vertical deviation becomes invalid (the Vertical Deviation Indicator is removed from the PFD).• A display enters Reversionary Mode (this does not apply to an active vertical direct-to).Unless VNV is disabled, Vertical Path Tracking Mode and the appropriate altitude capture mode becomearmed following the reversion to Pitch Hold Mode to allow for possible profile recapture.Non-Path DescentsPitch Hold, Vertical Speed, and Flight Level Change modes can also be used to fly non-path descentswhile VNV flight control is selected. If the VS or FLC Key is pressed while Vertical Path Tracking Mode isselected, Vertical Path Tracking Mode reverts to armed along with the appropriate altitude capture modeto allow profile re-capture.