190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX211FLIGHT MANAGEMENTCanceling vertical navigation results in vertical deviation (V DEV), vertical speed required (VS REQ), andtime to top of descent/bottom of descent (TOD/BOD) going invalid. The Vertical Deviation Indicator (VDI) andRequired Vertical Speed Indicator (RVSI) on the PFD are removed, and the V DEV, VS REQ, and TOD itemsdisplayed in the Active VNV Profile box are dashed. VNV remains disabled until manually enabled. Verticalguidance in reversionary mode can only be enabled for a direct-to waypoint.The system allows a vertical navigation direct-to for any waypoint in the active flight plan with an altitudeconstraint “designated” for vertical guidance. Selecting the VNV Direct-to Softkey on the Active Flight Plan Pageallows the flight plan to be flown, while vertical guidance based on the altitude constraint at the VNV direct-towaypoint is provided. The altitude change begins immediately and is spread along the flight plan from currentposition to the vertical direct-to waypoint, not just along the leg for the direct-to waypoint. A direct-to withaltitude constraint activated by pressing the Direct-to Key also provides vertical guidance, but would bypassflight plan waypoints between the current position in the flight plan and the direct-to waypoint. A top of descent(TOD) point is computed based on the default flight path angle; descent begins once the TOD is reached.Activating a vertical navigation direct-to:1) Press the FPL Key to display the Active Flight Plan Page on the MFD.2) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor and turn the FMS Knob to highlight the desired waypoint.NOTE: The selected waypoint must have a designated altitude constraint (cyan number) to be used. If not,the first waypoint in the flight plan with a designated altitude constraint is selected.3) Select the VNV Direct-To Softkey; or press the MENU Key, highlight ‘VNV Direct-To’, and press the ENT Key.An ‘Activate vertical Direct-to to: NNNNNFT at XXXXXX?’ confirmation window is displayed.4) Press the ENT Key. Vertical guidance begins to the altitude constraint for the selected waypoint.5) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor.The vertical navigation profile can be modified by directly entering a vertical speed target (VS TGT) and/or flightpath angle (FPA) in the Active VNV Profile box.Modifying the VS TGT and FPA:1) Press the FPL Key to display the Active Flight Plan Page on the MFD.2) Select the VNV Prof Softkey; or press the MENU Key, highlight ‘Select VNV Profile Window’, and press the ENTKey. The cursor is now located in the Active VNV Profile box.3) Turn the FMS Knobs as needed to edit the values.4) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor.