Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-02177-00 Rev. ASYSTEMOVERVIEWFLIGHTINSTRUMENTSEISAUDIO PANEL& CNSFLIGHTMANAGEMENTHAZARDAVOIDANCEAFCSADDITIONALFEATURESAPPENDICESINDEX442APPENDIX CC Center RunwayCA Course to Altitude LegCAL CalibratedCALC CalculatorCalibratedAirspeedIndicated airspeed corrected forinstallation and instrument errors.CAS Crew Alerting SystemCD Course to DME Distance LegCDI Course Deviation IndicatorCDU Control Display UnitCF Course to Fix LegCG Center of GravityCH, CHNL ChannelCHT Cylinder Head TemperatureCHKLIST ChecklistCI Course to Intercept LegCLD CloudCLR ClearCM CentimeterCMC Central Maintenance ComputerCN CanadaCNS Communication, Navigation, &SurveillanceCO Carbon MonoxideCOM Communication RadioCONFIG ConfigurationCOOL CoolantCOPLT CopilotCourse The line between two points to befollowed by the aircraft.Course toSteerThe recommended direction to steerin order to reduce course error or stayon course. Provides the most efficientheading to get back to the desired courseand proceed along the flight plan.CPDLC Controller Pilot Datalink CommunicationsCPL CoupleCR Course to Radial LegCRG Cockpit Reference GuideCRNT CurrentCrosstrackErrorThe distance the aircraft is off a desiredcourse in either direction, left or right.CRS see also Course, Course to SteerCRSR CursorCSA Conflict Situational AwarenessCSC Current Speed ControlCTA Control AreaCTR CenterCTRL ControlCumulative,CUMThe total of all legs in a flight plan.CVDR Cockpit Voice Data RecorderCVR Cockpit Voice RecorderCVRG CoverageCWS Control Wheel SteeringCYL CylinderD ALT Density AltitudeD-ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Info ServiceDB, DBASE DatabasedBZ Decibels ‘Z’ (Radar Return)DCL Departure ClearanceDCLTR, DECLTR DeclutterDEC FUEL Decrease FuelDEG DegreeDEIC, DEICE De-icingDEP DepartureDesired Track The desired course between the active“from” and “to” waypoints.DES, DEST DestinationDEV DeviationDF Direct to Fix LegDFLT DefaultDG Directional GyroDGRD DegradeDH Decision HeightDilution ofPrecisionA measure of GPS satellite geometryquality on a scale of one to ten (lowernumbers equal better geometry, wherehigher numbers equal poorer geometry).