190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX313HAZARD AVOIDANCESymbol DescriptionTraffic Advisory with ADS-B directional information. Arrow points in the direction of the intruder aircraft track.Traffic Advisory without directional information.Traffic Advisory with ADS-B directional information is beyond the selected display range. Displayed at outer range ring at properbearing. Arrow points in the direction of the intruder aircraft track.Traffic Advisory out of the selected display range without directional information. Displayed at outer range ring at properbearing.Proximity Advisory with ADS-B directional information. Arrow points in the direction of the aircraft track.Proximity Advisory without directional information.Other Non-Threat traffic with ADS-B directional information. Arrow points in the direction of the intruder aircraft track.Other Non-Threat traffic without directional information.Traffic located on the ground with ADS-B directional information. Arrow points in the direction of the aircraft track. Groundtraffic is only displayed when ADS-B is in Surface (SURF) Mode or own aircraft is on the ground.Ground traffic without ADS-B directional information. Ground traffic is only displayed when ADS-B is in Surface (SURF) Mode orown aircraft is on the ground.Non-aircraft ground traffic with ADS-B directional information. Pointed end indicates direction of travel. Ground traffic is onlydisplayed when ADS-B is in Surface (SURF) Mode or own aircraft is on the ground.Non-aircraft ground traffic without ADS-B directional information. Ground traffic is only displayed when ADS-B is in Surface(SURF) Mode or own aircraft is on the ground.Table 6-19 ADS-B Traffic Symbology with GTX 345R TransponderA Traffic Advisory (TA), displayed as a solid amber circle or circle enclosing an arrow, alerts the crew to apotentially hazardous intruding aircraft, if the closing rate, distance, and vertical separation meet TA criteria.A TA that is beyond the selected display range (off scale) is indicated by a half TA symbol at the edge of thescreen at the relative bearing of the intruder.A Proximity Advisory (PA), displayed as a solid white diamond or arrow, indicates the intruding aircraft iswithin ±1200 feet and is within a 6 nm range, but is still not considered a TA threat.Other, non-threat traffic, shown as an open white diamond or arrow, is displayed for traffic beyond sixnautical miles that is neither a TA or PA.Relative altitude, when available, is displayed above or below the corresponding intruder symbol inhundreds of feet. When this altitude is above own aircraft, it is preceded by a ‘+’ symbol; a minus sign ‘-’indicates traffic is below own aircraft.