Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav III190-02177-00 Rev. A343AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMSYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL&CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEXFLIGHT DIRECTOR MODESFlight director modes are normally selected independently for the pitch and roll axes. Unless otherwisespecified, all mode keys are alternate action (i.e., press on, press off). In the absence of specific mode selection,the flight director reverts to the default pitch and/or roll modes.Armed modes are annunciated in white and active in green in the AFCS Status Box. Under normal operation,when the control for the active flight director mode is pressed, the flight director reverts to the default mode(s)for the axis(es). Automatic transition from armed to active mode is indicated by the white armed modeannunciation moving to the green active mode field and flashing for 10 seconds.If the information required to compute a flight director mode becomes invalid or unavailable, the flightdirector automatically reverts to the default mode for that axis. A flashing yellow mode annunciation andannunciator light indicate loss of sensor (ADC) or navigation data (VOR, LOC, GPS, VNV, SBAS) required tocompute commands. When such a loss occurs, the system automatically begins to roll the wings level (entersRoll Hold Mode) or maintain the pitch angle (enters Pitch Hold Mode), depending on the affected axis. Theflashing annunciation stops when the affected mode key is pressed or another mode for the axis is selected. Ifafter 10 seconds no action is taken, the flashing annunciation stops.Figure 7-3 Loss of GPS SignalThe flight director is automatically disabled if the attitude information required to compute the default flightdirector modes becomes invalid or unavailable.COMMAND BARSUpon activation of the flight director, Command Bars are displayed in magenta on the PFD as a single cue.The Command Bars do not override the Aircraft Symbol. The Command Bars move together vertically toindicate pitch commands and bank left or right to indicate roll commands.Figure 7-4 Command BarsAircraft SymbolCommand BarsIf the attitude information being sent to the flight director becomes invalid or unavailable, the Command Barsare removed from the display. The flight director Command Bars also disappear if the pitch exceeds +30˚/-20˚or bank exceeds 65˚.