Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-02177-00 Rev. A58FLIGHT INSTRUMENTSSYSTEMOVERVIEWFLIGHTINSTRUMENTSEISAUDIO PANEL&CNSFLIGHTMANAGEMENTHAZARDAVOIDANCEAFCSADDITIONALFEATURESAPPENDICESINDEXThe system automatically changes from GPS to LOC navigation source and changes the CDI scaling accordinglywhen all of the following occur:• A localizer or ILS approach has been loaded into the active flight plan• The final approach fix (FAF) is the active leg, the FAF is less than 15 nm away, and the aircraft is movingtoward the FAF• A valid localizer frequency has been tuned• The GPS CDI deviation is less than 1.2 times full-scale deflectionGPS steering guidance is still provided after the CDI automatically changes to LOC until LOC capture, upto the Final Approach Fix (FAF) for an ILS approach, or until GPS information becomes invalid. Activating aVector-to-Final (VTF) also causes the CDI to switch to LOC navigation source. GPS steering guidance is notprovided after the change.On some ILS approaches where the glideslope intercept point is at or in close proximity to the fix prior tothe FAF (see Figure 2-22), it is possible to be above the glideslope when the navigation source automaticallychanges from GPS to LOC. The probability of this occurring varies based on air temperature.Figure 2-22 ILS Approach with Glideslope Intercept Point at Fix Prior to the FAFFix Prior to the FAFGlideslope Intercept PointGPS CDI SCALINGWhen GPS is the selected navigation source, the flight plan legs are sequenced automatically andannunciations appear on the HSI for the flight phase. Flight phase annunciations are normally shown inmagenta, but when cautionary conditions exist the color changes to amber. If the current leg in the flight planis a heading leg, HDG LEG is annunciated in magenta beneath the aircraft symbol.The current GPS CDI scale setting is displayed as System CDI on the Aux - System Setup 1 Page and thefull-scale deflection setting may also be selected (2.0 nm, 1.0 nm, 0.3 nm, or Auto) from this page. If theselected scaling is smaller than the automatic setting for enroute and terminal phases, the CDI is scaledaccordingly and the selected setting is displayed rather than the flight phase annunciation.