190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX265HAZARD AVOIDANCEEnabling/disabling Data Link Lightning information on PFD maps:1) On the PFD, press the Map/HSI Softkey.2) Press the Lightning Softkey.3) Press the Datalink Softkey to enable data link lightning from the selected data link weather source, or pressthe LTNG Off Softkey to disable data link lightning.4) When finished, press the Back Softkey.CELL MOVEMENT (SIRIUSXM)The Cell Movement weather product shows the location and movement of storm cells as identified by theground-based system. Cells are represented by yellow squares, with direction of movement indicated withshort, orange arrows.Figure 6-23 Cell Movement Weather ProductStorm CellsAdditionalinformation forselected Storm CellOn the Weather Data Link (XM) Page, the Cell Movement weather product has a dedicated CEL MOVsoftkey for enabling/disabling this weather product on this page.NOTE: The Storm Cell base height is not available if a GDL 69 SXM or 69A SXM data link receiver is installed.In this case, the Storm Cell base height is displayed as 0 feet when the map pointer selects a storm cell.Displaying Cell Movement information on the Weather Data Link (XM) Page:1) Select the Weather Data Link (XM) Page using the FMS Knob.2) Select the Cell MOV Softkey.Figure 6-24 Cell Movement Legend