190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX205FLIGHT MANAGEMENTSwitching between wide and narrow view:1) Press the FPL Key on the MFD to display the Active Flight Plan Page.2) Select the View Softkey to display the Wide and Narrow Softkeys.3) Select the Wide Softkey to display the wide view, or select the Narrow Softkey to display the narrow view.4) Select the Back Softkey to return to the top level active flight plan softkeys.COLLAPSING AIRWAYSThe system allows airways on the active flight plan to be collapsed or expanded from the Stored or ActiveFlight Plan Page/Window. When airways have been collapsed, it is indicated on the airway heading.When airways are collapsed, leg-to-leg computed values such as DIS or ETE shown for the exit waypointreflect the total of all the legs on the airway that have been hidden in the collapsed display. The DTK value isinhibited because it is not usable in this context.The Active Flight Plan Page always keeps the following three waypoints visible: “From” waypoint, “To”waypoint, and “Next” waypoint. To prevent one or more of these waypoints from being hidden in a collapsedairway segment, the airway segment that contains either the “To” or the “Next” waypoint is automaticallyexpanded. When an airway is loaded, airways are automatically expanded to facilitate flight plan review.Figure 5-66 Expanded/Collapsed AirwaysAll AirwaysCollapsed ViewV4.SLN AirwayExpanded ViewCollapsing/expanding the airways in the active flight plan:1) Press the FPL Key to display the Active Flight Plan Page (MFD) or the Active Flight Plan Window (PFD).2) Press the MENU Key, highlight ‘Collapse Airways’ or ‘Expand Airways’, and press the ENT Key. The airways arecollapsed/expanded.