190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX223FLIGHT MANAGEMENTLOADING AN APPROACH INTO THE ACTIVE FLIGHT PLANLoading an approach into the active flight plan using the PROC Key:1) Press the PROC Key. The Procedures Window is displayed.2) Highlight ‘Select Approach’, and press the ENT Key. The Approach Loading Page is displayed.3) Select the airport and approach:a) Use the FMS Knob to select an airport, if necessary, and press the ENT Key.b) Select an approach from the list and press the ENT Key.Or:a) If necessary, push the FMS Knob to exit the approach list, and use the large FMS Knob to move the cursorto the Approach Channel field.b) Use the FMS Knob to enter the approach channel number, and press the ENT Key to accept the approachchannel number. The airport and approach are selected.4) Select a transition (if required) and press the ENT Key.5) Minimumsa) To set ‘Minimums’, turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘BARO’ or ‘TEMP COMP’, and press the ENT Key.Turn the small FMS Knob to select the altitude, and press the ENT Key.b) If ‘TEMP COMP’ was selected, the cursor moves to the temperature field. Turn the small FMS Knob toselect the temperature, and press the ENT Key.Or:To skip setting minimums, press the ENT Key.6) Press the ENT Key with ‘Load?’ highlighted to load the approach procedure; or turn the large FMS Knob tohighlight ‘Activate’ and press the ENT Key to load and activate the approach procedure.NOTE: When GPS is not approved for the selected final approach course, the message ‘NOT APPROVEDFOR GPS’ is displayed. GPS provides guidance to the approach, but the HSI must to be switched to a NAVreceiver to fly the final course of the approach.