190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX155FLIGHT MANAGEMENTThe Nearest Intersections Page can be used to quickly find an intersection close to the flight path. In additionto displaying a map of the surrounding area, the page displays information for up to 25 nearest intersections inthree boxes labeled ‘Nearest INT’, ‘Information’, and ‘Reference VOR’.The selected intersection is indicated by a white arrow. Up to 12 intersections are visible at a time. If thereare more than can be shown, the list can be scrolled. If there are no items for display, text indicating that factis displayed.NOTE: The list only includes waypoints that are within 200 nm.Figure 5-32 Nearest Intersections PageNearestIntersectionNavigation MapShowing NearestIntersectionIntersection Information- Identifier/Symbol- Bearing/Distance tointersection fromaircraft positionReference VOR Info- Identifier/Type (symbol)- VOR Frequency- Bearing/Distance to VORIntersection Lat/Long