190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX449APPENDIX CV1 Takeoff Decision SpeedV2 Takeoff Safety SpeedVA Maneuvering SpeedVAPP , VAC Approach Climb SpeedVFE Maximum Flap Extended SpeedVLE Maximum Landing Gear Extended SpeedVLNDx Approach Speed (Flaps at x°)VLO Maximum Landing Gear Operating SpeedVMC Minimum Control SpeedVMO (MMO) Maximum Operating SpeedVNE Never-Exceed SpeedVR Takeoff Rotate SpeedVREF Landing Approach Speed, ReferenceLanding SpeedVSB Maximum Speedbrake SpeedVSR Stall SpeedVT Takeoff Flap Retraction SpeedVTIRE Maximum Tire SpeedVX Best Angle of Climb SpeedVY Best Rate of Climb SpeedVYSE Best Single-Engine Rate of Climb SpeedV DEV Vertical DeviationVA Heading Vector to Altitude LegVAC Volts Alternating CurrentVAPP VOR ApproachVAR VariationVD Heading Vector to DME Distance LegVDC Volts Direct CurrentVDL VHF DatalinkVERT VerticalVertical Figureof MeritA measure of the uncertainty in theaircraft’s vertical position.Vertical SpeedRequiredThe vertical speed necessary to descend/climb from a current position and altitudeto a defined target position and altitude,based upon current groundspeed.VFOM see also Vertical Figure of MeritVFR Visual Flight RulesVHF Very High FrequencyVI Heading Vector to Intercept LegVLOC VOR/Localizer ReceiverVM Heading Vector to Manual TerminationLegVMC Visual Meteorological ConditionsVNAV, VNV Vertical NavigationVOL VolumeVOR VHF Omnidirectional RangeVORTAC VHF Omnidirectional Range Station andTactical Air NavigationVPATH, VPTH Vertical PathVPL Vertical Protection LevelVPROF VNAV Profile, Vertical ProfileVR Heading Vector to Radial LegVRP Visual Reporting PointVS Vertical SpeedVSD Vertical Situation DisplayVSI Vertical Speed IndicatorVSR, VS REQ see also Vertical Speed RequiredVTF Vector to FinalW Watt(s), WestWAAS Wide Area Augmentation SystemWARN WarningWATCH Weather Attenuated Color HighlightWGS-84 World Geodetic System - 1984WI-FI, WIFI Wireless Local Area Network based onIEEE 802.11WOG Weight on GearWOW Weight on WheelsWPT Waypoint(s)WT WeightWW World WideWX WeatherXFER, XFR TransferXM LTNG SiriusXM LightningXPDR TransponderXTALK Cross-TalkXTK Cross-Track, Crosstrack ErrorYD Yaw Damper