190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX287HAZARD AVOIDANCEFigure 6-51 Stormscope Page with Cell Mode SelectedStormscope ModeLightning StrikeRate Per MinuteSelecting ‘cell’ or ‘strike’ mode:1) Select the Stormscope Page.2) Select the Mode Softkey. The Cell and Strike softkeys are displayed.3) Select the Cell Softkey to display ‘CELL’ data or select the Strike Softkey to display ‘STRIKE’ data. ‘CELL’ or‘STRIKE’ is displayed in the mode box in the upper right corner of the Stormscope Page.4) Press the Back Softkey to return to the top level softkeys for the Stormscope Page.Or:1) Select the Stormscope Page.2) Press the MENU Key to display the Stormscope Page Menu. Either ‘Cell Mode’ or ‘Strike Mode’ is highlightedin cyan to indicate the mode to be selected.3) Press the ENT Key to select the highlighted mode and remove the menu. To remove the menu without changingmodes, press the MENU Key or the CLR Key, or push the FMS Knob.If heading input is lost, strikes and/or cells must be cleared manually after the execution of each turn . Thisis to ensure that the strike and/or cell positions are depicted accurately in relation to the nose of the aircraft.Clearing Stormscope lightning on any map clears this information from all displays on the system.Manually clearing Stormscope cell or strike information:1) Select the Stormscope Page.2) Select the Clear Softkey.Or:a) Press the MENU Key.b) Turn the FMS Knob to highlight ‘Clear Lightning Data’, then press the ENT Key.Or: