190-02177-00 Rev. AGarmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEWFLIGHTINSTRUMENTSEISAUDIO PANEL& CNSFLIGHTMANAGEMENTHAZARDAVOIDANCEAFCSADDITIONALFEATURESAPPENDICESINDEX12SYSTEM OVERVIEWSystem Annunciation CommentAir Data, Attitude and HeadingReference System is aligning.Display system is not receivingattitude information from theADAHRS/AHRS.Air Data, Attitude, and Headingcalibration incomplete orconfiguration module failure.GPS information is eithernot present or is invalidfor navigation use. Notethat ADAHRS/AHRS utilizesGPS inputs during normaloperation. ADAHRS/AHRSoperation may be degradedif GPS signals are not present(see POH).Display system is not receivingairspeed input from the airdata computer.System Annunciation CommentDisplay system is not receivingvertical speed input from theair data computer.Display system is notreceiving valid heading inputfrom the ADAHRS/AHRS ormagnetometer.Display system is not receivingaltitude input from the air datacomputer.Display system is not receivingvalid OAT information from theair data computer.Display system is not receivingvalid transponder information.Other Various Red XIndicationsA red ‘X’ through any otherdisplay field (such as engineinstrumentation fields)indicates that the field is notreceiving valid data.Table 1-1 System Annunciations