190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX217FLIGHT MANAGEMENTLoading a procedure into the active flight plan from the Information Page:1) From the Airport Information Page (first page in the WPT group):Select the DP Softkey. The Departure Information Page is displayed, defaulting to the airport displayed on theAirport information Page.Or.Select the STAR Softkey. The Arrival Information Page is displayed, defaulting to the airport displayed on theAirport information Page.Or.Select the APR Softkey. The Approach Information Page is displayed, defaulting to the airport displayed on theAirport information Page.2) To select another airport, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor, enter an identifier/facility name/city, andpress the ENT Key.3) Select a different procedure, if desired.a) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the procedure. The procedure is previewed on the map.b) Turn the small FMS Knob to view the available procedures. Press the ENT Key to select the procedure. Thecursor moves to the next box (runway or transition). The procedure is previewed on the map.c) Turn the small FMS Knob to view the available runway or transition. Press the ENT Key to select therunway or transition. The cursor moves to the next box (if available). The procedure is previewed on themap.d) Turn the small FMS Knob to view the available transitions. Press the ENT Key to select the transition. Thecursor moves to the Sequence box or the Minimums box. The procedure is previewed on the map.4) Press the MENU Key to display the Information Page Menu.5) Turn the FMS Knob to highlight ‘Load ’.6) Press the ENT Key to load the procedure into the active flight plan. PreviousNext |