190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX251HAZARD AVOIDANCEThe Navigation Map Page also can display legends for weather products enabled on this map with theLegend Softkey. This softkey is subdued if no weather products are enabled.Showing/removing the weather legend on the Navigation Map Page:1) Select the Navigation Map Page.2) Press the Map Opt Softkey.3) Press the Legend Softkey to show the weather legends window.4) When finished, press the Legend Softkey again, or press the FMS Knob or the CLR Key to remove the window.The Navigation Map Page also allows the pilot to select the maximum map range to display weatherproducts. If the pilot increases the map range beyond this selected maximum range, the system removesthe weather product from the map. The system uses this setting for all navigation maps, including thosedisplayed on the PFD.Setting up and customizing weather data for the navigation maps:1) Select the Navigation Map Page.2) Press the MENU Key.3) With ‘Map Settings’ highlighted, press the ENT Key.4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the ‘Weather’ Group and press the ENT Key.5) Turn the large FMS Knob or press the ENT Key to scroll through product selections.6) Turn the small FMS Knob to scroll through options for each product (ON/OFF, range settings).7) Press the ENT Key to select an option.8) Press the FMS Knob or CLR Key to return to the Navigation Map Page with the changed settings.The system can also display data link weather information on the PFD navigation maps.Displaying Data Link Weather products on the PFD:1) On the PFD, press the Map/HSI Softkey.2) Press the desired weather product softkey(s) to enable/disable the display of data link products on the PFD map.On the MFD maps, the weather product icon and age appear automatically when a weather is enabled andthe range is within the maximum display limits. On PFD maps, this information is available using the PFDsoftkeys.Enabling/disabling the weather product icon and age display (PFD maps):1) On the PFD, press the Map/HSI Softkey.2) Press the Layout Softkey.3) Press the WX LGND Softkey to enable/disable the weather product age, source, and icon box display on PFDMaps.The setup menus for the Navigation Map Page and the Weather Data Link Page control the map range settingsabove which weather products data are decluttered from the display. If a map range larger than the weatherproduct map range setting is selected, the weather product data is removed from the map. The page menusalso provide an alternative to using the softkeys to enable/disable data link weather product overlays on maps.