190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX333HAZARD AVOIDANCEADS-B SYSTEM STATUSThe traffic mode is annunciated in the upper right corner of the Traffic Map Page.ADS-B Mode Traffic Mode Annunciation(Traffic Map Page)Traffic Map Page CenterBanner AnnunciationTraffic Display Status Icon(Other Maps)ADS-B System TestInitiated ADS-B: TEST TEST MODEADS-B Operating inAirborne Mode ADS-B: AIRB NoneADS-B Operating inSurface Mode ADS-B: SURF NoneABS-B Traffic Off ADS-B: OFF ADS-B TRFC OFFADS-B Traffic NotAvailable ADS-B: N/A ADS-B TRFC N/AADS-B Failed* ADS-B: FAIL ADS-B TRFC FAIL* See Table 6-28 for additional failure annunciationsTable 6-27 ADS-B ModesNOTE: If the optional TAS fails, the display of ADS-B traffic (ADS-B In) also fails, unless a GTX 345Rtransponder is installed. In this case, if the TAS fails, the display of ADS-B traffic continues even if the TAShas failed.If the traffic unit fails, an annunciation as to the cause of the failure is shown in the center of the Traffic MapPage. During a failure condition, the Operating Mode cannot be selected.Traffic Map Page CenterAnnunciation DescriptionNO DATA Data is not being received from the traffic unitDATA FAILED Data is being received from the traffic unit, but the unit is self-reporting a failureFAILED Incorrect data format received from the traffic unitTable 6-28 Traffic Failure Annunciations