190-02177-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav IIISYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX233FLIGHT MANAGEMENTTRIP STATISTICSThe trip statistics are calculated based on the selected starting and ending waypoints and the trip planninginputs.In flight plan mode (FPL) with a stored flight plan selected (NN), and the entire flight plan (CUM) selected,the waypoints are the starting and ending waypoints of the selected flight plan.In flight plan mode (FPL) with a stored flight plan selected (NN), and a specific leg (NN) selected, thewaypoints are the endpoints of the selected leg.In flight plan mode (FPL) with the active flight plan selected (00), and the remaining flight plan (REM)selected, the ‘from’ waypoint is the present position of the aircraft and the ‘to’ waypoint is the endpoint of theactive flight plan.In flight plan mode (FPL) with the active flight plan selected (00), and a specific leg (NN) selected, the‘from’ waypoint is the current aircraft position and the ‘to’ waypoint is the endpoint of the selected leg.In waypoint (WPTs) mode these are manually selected waypoints (if there is an active flight plan, thesedefault to the endpoints of the active leg).Some of the calculated trip statistics are dashed when the selected leg of the active flight plan has alreadybeen flown.• Desired Track - Desired Track is shown as nnn° and is the desired track between the selected waypoints.It is dashed unless only a single leg is selected.• Distance - The distance is shown in tenths of units up to 99.9, and in whole units up to 9999.• Estimated time enroute (ETE) - ETE is shown as hours:minutes until less than an hour, then it is shownas minutes:seconds.• Estimated time of arrival (ETA) - ETA is shown as hours:minutes and is the local time at the destination.- If in waypoint mode then the ETA is the ETE added to the departure time.- If a flight plan other than the active flight plan is selected it shows the ETA by adding to the departuretime all of the ETEs of the legs up to and including the selected leg. If the entire flight plan is selected,then the ETA is calculated as if the last leg of the flight plan was selected.- If the active flight plan is selected, the ETA reflects the current position of the aircraft and the currentleg being flown. The ETA is calculated by adding to the current time the ETEs of the current leg up toand including the selected leg. If the entire flight plan is selected, then the ETA is calculated as if thelast leg of the flight plan was selected.• Enroute safe altitude (ESA) - The ESA is shown as nnnnnFT• Destination sunrise and sunset times (SUNRISE, SUNSET) - These times are shown as hours:minutes ofthe time at the destination.