Operation Manual – Port Basic ConfigurationH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Port Basic Configuration1-6Operation Command RemarksEnable loopbackdetection on aspecified portloopback-detectionenableOptionalBy default, the loopbackdetection function is enabled onports if the device boots with thedefault configuration file(config.def); if the device bootswith null configuration, thisfunction is disabled.Enable loopbackport control on thetrunk or hybrid portloopback-detectioncontrol enableOptionalBy default, the loopback portcontrol function is enabled onports if the device boots with thedefault configuration file(config.def); if the device bootswith null configuration, thisfunction is disabled.Enable the loopbackport auto-shutdownfunctionloopback-detectionshutdown enableOptionalBy default, the loopback portauto-shutdown function isenabled on ports if the deviceboots with the defaultconfiguration file (config.def); ifthe device boots with nullconfiguration, this function isdisabled.Configure thesystem to runloopback detectionon all VLANs of thecurrent trunk orhybrid portloopback-detectionper-vlan enableOptionalBy default, the system runsloopback detection only on thedefault VLAN of the current trunkor hybrid port.Caution:z To enable loopback detection on a specific port, you must use theloopback-detection enable command in both system view and the specific portview.z After you use the undo loopback-detection enable command in system view,loopback detection will be disabled on all ports.