Operation Manual – AAAH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 AAA Configuration2-3Operation Command RemarksSet the status of the ISPdomain state { active | block }OptionalBy default, an ISP domainis in the active state, thatis, all the users in thedomain are allowed torequest network service.Set the maximum numberof access users that theISP domain canaccommodateaccess-limit { disable |enablemax-user-number }OptionalBy default, there is no limiton the number of accessusers that the ISP domaincan accommodate.Set the idle-cut function idle-cut { disable |enable minute flow }OptionalBy default, the idle-cutfunction is disabled.Set theaccounting-optionalswitchaccounting optionalOptionalBy default, theaccounting-optionalswitch is off.Set the messengerfunctionmessenger time { enablelimit interval | disable }OptionalBy default, the messengerfunction is disabled.Set the self-service serverlocation functionself-service-url { disable| enable url-string }OptionalBy default, theself-service serverlocation function isdisabled.Note that:z On an S3100 series switch, each access user belongs to an ISP domain. You canconfigure up to 16 ISP domains on the switch. When a user logs in, if no ISPdomain name is carried in the user name, the switch assumes that the userbelongs to the default ISP domain.z If you have configured to use "." as the delimiter, for a user name that containsmultiple ".", the first "." will be used as the domain delimiter.z If you have configured to use "@" as the delimiter, the "@" must not appear morethan once in the user name.z If the system does not find any available accounting server or fails to communicatewith any accounting server when it performs accounting for a user, it does notdisconnect the user as long as the accounting optional command has beenexecuted, though it cannot perform accounting for the user in this case.