Operation Manual – AAAH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 AAA Configuration2-6Table 2-5 Configure separate AAA schemesOperation Command RemarksEnter system view system-view —Create an ISP domainand enter its view, or enterthe view of an existing ISPdomaindomain isp-name RequiredConfigure anauthentication scheme forthe ISP domainauthentication{ radius-schemeradius-scheme-name[ local ] |hwtacacs-schemehwtacacs-scheme-name[ local ] | local | none }OptionalBy default, no separateauthentication scheme isconfigured.Configure a HWTACACSauthentication scheme foruser level switchingauthentication superhwtacacs-schemehwtacacs-scheme-nameOptionalBy default, noHWTACACSauthentication scheme isconfigured.Configure anauthorization scheme forthe ISP domainauthorization { none |hwtacacs-schemehwtacacs-scheme-name }OptionalBy default, no separateauthorization scheme isconfigured.Configure an accountingscheme for the ISPdomainaccounting { none |radius-schemeradius-scheme-name |hwtacacs-schemehwtacacs-scheme-name }OptionalBy default, no separateaccounting scheme isconfigured.