Operation Manual – SNMP-RMONH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 SNMP Configuration1-4Operation Command DescriptionSet system information, andspecify to enable SNMPv1 orSNMPv2c on the switchsnmp-agent sys-info{ contact sys-contact |location sys-location |version { { v1 | v2c |v3 }* | all } }RequiredBy default, the contactinformation for systemmaintenance is "R&DHangzhou, H3CTechnology Co., Ltd.",the system location is"Hangzhou China",and the SNMP versionis SNMPv3.DirectconfigurationSet acommunity namesnmp-agentcommunity { read |write } community-name[ acl acl-number |mib-view view-name ]*Set anSNMPgroupsnmp-agent group { v1| v2c } group-name[ read-view read-view ][ write-view write-view ][ notify-viewnotify-view ] [ aclacl-number ]Set acommunity nameandaccesspermissionIndirectconfigurationAdd auser toanSNMPgroupsnmp-agent usm-user{ v1 | v2c } user-namegroup-name [ aclacl-number ]Requiredz You can set anSNMPv1/SNMPv2c community namethrough directconfiguration.z Indirectconfiguration iscompatible withSNMPv3. Theadded user isequal to thecommunity namefor SNMPv1 andSNMPv2c.z You can chooseeither of them asneeded.Set the maximum size of anSNMP packet for SNMP agentto receive or sendsnmp-agent packetmax-size byte-countOptional1,500 bytes bydefault.Set the device engine ID snmp-agentlocal-engineid engineidOptionalBy default, the deviceengine ID is“enterprise number +device information”.Create/Update the viewinformationsnmp-agent mib-view{ included | excluded }view-name oid-tree[ mask mask-value ]OptionalBy default, the viewname is “ViewDefault”and OID is 1.Table 1-3 Configure basic SNMP functions (SNMPv3)Operation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view —