Operation Manual – LoginH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 Logging in through the Console Port2-132.6 Console Port Login Configuration with AuthenticationMode Being Scheme2.6.1 Configuration ProcedureTable 2-6 Console port login configuration with the authentication mode being schemeOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view —Enter thedefault ISPdomain viewdomaindomain-nameSpecify theAAA schemeto be appliedto thedomainscheme { local |none |radius-schemeradius-scheme-name[ local ] |hwtacacs-schemehwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] }Configure theauthenticationmodeQuit tosystem view quitOptionalBy default, the local AAAscheme is applied.If you specify to apply the localAAA scheme, you need toperform the configurationconcerning local user as well.If you specify to apply anexisting scheme by providingthe radius-scheme-nameargument, you need to performthe following configuration aswell:z Perform AAA&RADIUSconfiguration on the switch.(Refer to the AAA part formore.)z Configure the user nameand password accordinglyon the AAA server. (Refer tothe user manual of AAAserver.)Create a local user (Enterlocal user view.)local-useruser-nameRequiredNo local user exists by default.Set the authenticationpassword for the localuserpassword { simple |cipher } password RequiredSpecify the service typefor AUX usersservice-typeterminal [ levellevel ]RequiredQuit to system view quit —Enter AUX user interfaceview user-interface aux 0 —