Operation Manual – LoginH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 3 Logging in through Telnet3-11Operation Command DescriptionSet the timeout time forthe user interfaceidle-timeout minutes[ seconds ]OptionalThe default timeout time of auser interface is 10 minutes.With the timeout time being10 minutes, the connection toa user interface is terminatedif no operation is performed inthe user interface within 10minutes.You can use the idle-timeout0 command to disable thetimeout function.Note that if you configure to authenticate the users in the scheme mode, the commandlevel available to the users logging into the switch depends on the user privilege levellevel command and the service-type { ftp | lan-access | { ssh | telnet | terminal }*[ level level ] } command, as listed in Table 3-7.Table 3-7 Determine the command level when users logging into switches areauthenticated in the scheme modeScenarioAuthentication mode User type CommandCommandlevelThe user privilege level levelcommand is not executed, andthe service-type command doesnot specify the availablecommand level.Level 0The user privilege level levelcommand is not executed, andthe service-type commandspecifies the available commandlevel.Determinedby theservice-typecommandThe user privilege level levelcommand is executed, and theservice-type command does notspecify the available commandlevel.Level 0authentication-modescheme[ command-authorization ]VTY users thatareAAA&RADIUSauthenticatedor locallyauthenticatedThe user privilege level levelcommand is executed, and theservice-type command specifiesthe available command level.Determinedby theservice-typecommand