Operation Manual – System Maintenance and DebuggingH3C S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 4 Device Management4-9z Configure an FTP user, whose name is switch and password is hello. Authorizethe user with the read-write right on the directory Switch on the PC.z Make configuration so that the IP address of a VLAN interface on the switch is1.1.1.1, the IP address of the PC is, and the switch and the PC is reachableto each other.The host software switch.bin and the Boot ROM file boot.btm of the switch are stored inthe directory switch on the PC. Use FTP to download the switch.bin and boot.btm filesfrom the FTP server to the switch.II. Network diagramFigure 4-2 Network diagram for FTP configurationIII. Configuration procedure1) Configure the following FTP server–related parameters on the PC: an FTP userwith the username as switch and password as hello, who is authorized with theread-write right on the directory Switch on the PC. The detailed configuration isomitted here.2) On the switch, configure a level 3 telnet user with the username as user andpassword as hello. Authentication mode is by user name and password.Note:Refer to the Login Operation part of this manual for configuration commands and stepsabout telnet user.3) Execute the telnet command on the PC to log into the switch. The followingprompt appears:Caution:If the Flash memory of the switch is not sufficient, delete the original applications beforedownloading the new ones.