Operation Manual – SNMP-RMONH3C S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 RMON Configuration2-4To do… Use the command… RemarksAdd an alarmentryrmon alarm entry-numberalarm-variable sampling-time { delta| absolute } rising_thresholdthreshold-value1 event-entry1falling_threshold threshold-value2event-entry2 [ owner text ]OptionalBefore adding an alarmentry, you need to use thermon event command todefine the event to bereferenced by the alarmentry.Add anextended alarmentryrmon prialarm entry-numberprialarm-formula prialarm-dessampling-timer { delta | absolute |changeratio } rising_thresholdthreshold-value1 event-entry1falling_threshold threshold-value2event-entry2 entrytype { forever |cycle cycle-period } [ owner text ]OptionalBefore adding anextended alarm entry, youneed to use the rmonevent command to definethe event to be referencedby the extended alarmentry.Enter Ethernetport viewinterface interface-typeinterface-number —Add a historyentryrmon history entry-numberbuckets number intervalsampling-interval [ owner text ]OptionalAdd a statisticsentryrmon statistics entry-number[ owner text ] OptionalNote:z The rmon alarm and rmon prialarm commands take effect on existing nodes only.z For each port, only one RMON statistics entry can be created. That is, if an RMONstatistics entry is already created for a given port, you will fail to create anotherstatistics entry with a different index for the same port.