Operation Manual – IRF FabricH3C S5600 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 IRF Fabric Configuration1-3z The number of the existing devices in the fabric does not reach the maximumnumber of devices allowed by the fabric (up to eight devices can form a fabric).z The fabric name of the device and the existing devices in the fabric are the same.z The software version of the device is the same as that of the existing devices in thefabric.Note:In case IRF automatic fabric is enabled, even if the software version of the local deviceis inconsistent with that used on the device in the fabric, you can still add a device to thefabric by automatic downloading and loading of the software.IV. IRF fabric detectionForming a fabric requires a high consistency of connection modes between the devicesand device information. Without all the requirements for forming a fabric being met, afabric cannot be formed.The FTM program detects the necessary conditions for forming a fabric one by one anddisplays the detection results. You can use the display ftm information command toview the detection information for the fabric, checking the running status of the fabric oranalyzing the problems. Table 1-1 lists the status and solution of the problems.Table 1-1 Status and solutionStatus Analysis Solutionnormaltemporaryredundance port—These three kinds ofinformation do notmean a device or afabric operatesimproperly. Nomeasure is needed forany of them.Two fabric ports of thesame device (that is, theUP port and the DOWNport) are connected.Pull out one end of thecable and connect it toa fabric port of anotherswitch.The UP and DOWN fabricports of the devices arenot connected in acrossed way.Connect the UP andDOWN ports of twodevices in a crossedway.connection errorIndicatesthreekinds ofportmatchingerrorsmayoccur. A fabric port of the localswitch is connected to afabric port that does nothave fabric port functionenabled.Make sure that thefabric ports on bothsides are enabled withthe fabric port function.