4-13TRBLSHTG TroubleshootingFuel not supplied (all cyl-inders)High pressure fuel pump does not operate High pressure fuel pumpmalfunctionCheck the high-pressure fuel pump motorresistance.5-25Short, open, or loose con-nection in high-pressurefuel pump circuitCheck the high-pressure fuel pump inputvoltage.5-25A-3Check for wiring continuity between thehigh-pressure fuel pump and engine ECM.5-25A-3Check for wiring continuity between thehigh-pressure fuel pump and main relay.5-25A-3Fuel pump does not operate Fuel leakage Check the fuel pump. 6-10Check the diaphragm for torn. 6-11Vapor separator malfunction Clogs the filter Check the filter. 6-32Fuel not supplied to the fuel rails — Check the fuel pressure. 6-4Symptom 2 Cause 1 Cause 2 Checking step Refer topage