3-13RIGGING Rigging information2. Install the extension hose d to the nipplec, and then fasten it with the plastic tiee.TIP:Cut the extension hose d to 300 mm(11.8 in).3. Install the tubes f and g.TIP:• Cut the tube f to 300 mm (11.8 in).• Cut the tube g to 270 mm (10.6 in).4. Connect the extension hose d to thespeed sensor adapter.5. Remove the bracket h.6. Install the speed sensor adapter i.7. Install the speed sensor j onto thespeed sensor adapter i, and thentighten the speed sensor to the specifiedtorque.8. Remove the bracket h and cap k fromthe speed sensor coupler b.9. Connect the speed sensor coupler b tothe speed sensor j.c defghSpeed sensor j:18 N·m (1.8 kgf·m, 13.3 ft·lb)iijhbk