5-13ELEC Electrical systemChecking the electricalcomponentChecking by use of YDISWhen checking the TPS, ISC, high-pressurefuel pump, fuel injector, or each sensor, usethe YDIS.When deleting the diagnosis record in theYDIS, be sure to check the time that the trou-ble codes were detected.When checking the input voltage of a part,the coupler or connector must be discon-nected. As a result, the engine ECM deter-mines that the part is disconnected and atrouble code is detected. Therefore, be sureto delete the diagnosis record after checkingthe input voltage.Since the main relay stays on for approxi-mately 10 seconds after the start switch isturned to “OFF,” the power of the engine ECMcannot be turned off. Therefore, if the startswitch is turned to “ON” within 10 secondsafter it was turned to “OFF,” the trouble codescannot be deleted.TIP:• Before checking the electrical components,make sure that the battery is fully charged.• Install the proprietary YDIS software in CD-ROM to your computer. Always use theexclusive communication cable for connect-ing the ECM to the computer. For a descrip-tion of the communication cable and CD-ROM to be used, see “YDIS” (4-1). Also, besure to check the CD-ROM version beforeusing it.• To connect and operate the YDIS, see theYDIS (Ver. 1.30 or later) Instruction Manual.Measuring the peak voltageWhen checking the peak voltage, do nottouch any of the connections of the digitaltester probes.When testing the voltage between the ter-minals of an electrical component withthe digital tester, do not allow any of theleads to touch any metal parts. If touched,the electrical component can be short-cir-cuited and be damaged.To check the electrical components or mea-sure the peak voltage, use the special ser-vice tools. A faulty electrical component canbe easily checked by measuring the peakvoltage. The specified engine speed whenmeasuring the peak voltage is affected bymany factors such as fouled spark plugs or aweak battery. If one of these factors ispresent, the peak voltage cannot be mea-sured properly.TIP:• Before measuring the peak voltage, checkall wiring for proper connection and corro-sion, and check that the battery is fullycharged.• Use the Peak voltage adapter B with therecommended digital circuit tester.• Connect the positive pin of the Peak voltageadapter B to the positive terminal of the dig-ital tester, and the negative pin to the nega-tive terminal.• When measuring the peak voltage, set theselector on the digital circuit tester to theDC voltage mode.Checking by use of the digital testerThe electrical technical data apply to themeasurements taken by the Yamaha recom-mendation tester.YDIS (CD-ROM, Ver. 1.30):60V-WS853-04YDIS (KIT): 60V-85300-04Digital circuit tester: 90890-03174Peak voltage adapter B: 90890-03172DC V