7-18Timing belt012345678910AReplacing the timing belt• Do not turn the flywheel magnet coun-terclockwise, otherwise the water pumpimpeller may be damaged.• Do not turn the flywheel magnet or thedriven sprockets when the timing belt isnot installed. Otherwise the pistons andvalves or intake and exhaust valves willcollide with each other and be damaged.• Do not twist, turn inside out, or bend thetiming belt beyond the maximum limit of25.0 mm (1.0 in) otherwise it can bedamaged.• Do not get oil or grease on the timingbelt.1. Reduce the fuel pressure. See “Reducingthe fuel pressure” (6-4).2. Remove the flywheel magnet cover.3. Turn the flywheel magnet clockwise andalign the “TDC” mark a on the flywheelmagnet with the pointer b, and checkthat “I” marks c and d on the drivensprockets are aligned.4. Remove the flywheel magnet andWoodruff key. See “Removing theflywheel magnet” (7-6).5. Disconnect the stator assembly couplere and pulser coil coupler f, and thenremove the blowby hose a and statorassembly (lighting coil) b.6. Check that the “ ” mark g on the drivesprocket and the “I” mark h on thecylinder block are aligned.7. Check that the “I” marks c and d on thedriven sprockets are aligned.8. Turn the timing belt tensioner graduallyclockwise using a hexagon wrench, andthen insert a ø5.0 mm (0.2 in) pin c intothe hole k.abc defabc dghc k