8-43LOWR Lower unitMeasuring the reverse gear backlash1. Install the shim(s) (T2) and propellershaft housing assembly. See “Measuringthe forward gear backlash” (8-38) step9–step 13.2. Measure the reverse gear backlash. See“Measuring the forward and reverse gearbacklash before disassembly” (8-28).Adjusting the reverse gear shimthickness (T2)1. Remove the propeller shaft housingassembly and shim(s) (T2). See “Remov-ing the propeller shaft housing assembly”(8-10).2. Measure the thickness of each originalshim(s) (T2) in 2 places.TIP:Do not reuse a shim if it is deformed orscratched.3. Determine the reverse gear shimthickness (T2) adjustment in the“Reverse gear shim (T2) selection chart”according to the truncated average (BL2)from “Measuring the reverse gearbacklash.”Example:(BL2) = 0.75 mm a(T2) adjustment = –0.15 mm b from the“Reverse gear shim (T2) selection chart.”The current shim thickness must bedecreased by 0.15 mm.A Backlash measurement (BL2)B Shim thickness adjustmentTIP:• If the shim thickness adjustment value ispositive, the current shim thickness must beincreased by that amount and, if the valueis negative, the current shim thickness mustbe decreased by that amount.• The gray-colored area on the selectionchart indicates the range of the specifiedbacklash. Shimming is not required if themeasured backlash is within the gray-col-ored area.• The values for the shim thickness adjust-ments specified in the selection chart areintended to achieve the median value withinthe range for the specified forward orreverse gear backlash.• The selection chart table shows the shimthickness adjustments for marked points onthe chart.Reverse gear backlash:0.33–0.74 mm (0.0130–0.0291 in)0.36 0.33 0.29 –0.15 –0.180 5 10 75 800.200–0.20–0.40–1.20 0 5 10 70 75 80A (1/100 mm)B (mm)ABab