9-17BRKT Bracket unitDisassembling the upper case1. Remove the drain bolt a.2. Remove the upper case bolts b and c,and then remove the oil pan assemblyd.3. Remove the circlip e, and then removethe bushing f.Checking the drive shaft bushing1. Check the bushing. Replace if cracked orworn.Assembling the upper case1. Install the bushing a, and then install thecirclip b.2. Install the dowels e.3. Install the baffle plate f, and thentighten baffle plate screws g to the spec-ified torque.4. Install the rubber seal h into the jointhole a of the upper case.5. Install a new rubber seal i and the rub-ber seal j, and then install the oil panassembly k.TIP:Make sure to insert the tip of the coolingwater pipe l into the joint hole a of theupper case.6. Install the oil pan bolts m and n, andthen tighten them to the specifiedtorques.Bearing puller assembly g: 90890-06535Stopper guide stand h: 90890-06538Stopper guide plate i: 90890-06501ac ccdbbefhgh iNeedle bearing attachment c:90890-06653Driver rod L3 d: 90890-06652a bacdc