9-15BRKT Bracket unit5. Install the upper and lower mountingbolts into the bracket assembly i simul-taneously.6. Install the washers j, upper mountingnuts k, and lower mounting nuts l, andthen tighten each nuts to the specifiedtorque.7. Tighten the upper mount bracket bolts mto the specified torque in the sequencenumbers (a, b, · · ·).8. Tighten the lower mount bracket bolts(PORT and STBD) n.9. Connect the ground lead o.10. Pass the speedometer hose p throughthe steering arm q, and then connect itto the speedometer hose adapter r.11. Install the drain bolt. See “Assemblingthe upper case” (9-17) step 7.Upper mounting nut k:72 N·m (7.2 kgf·m, 53.1 ft·lb)Lower mounting nut l:72 N·m (7.2 kgf·m, 53.1 ft·lb)Bracket bolt m:54 N·m (5.4 kgf·m, 39.8 ft·lb)ijjjjklnmabcoporrq