7-57Power unitPOWR5. Tighten the connecting rod bolts to thespecified torques in 3 stages. In the 3rdstage, make a mark b on the connectingrod cap bolts, connecting rod caps, andthen tighten the bolts 90° from the mark.TIP:• Reuse the removed connecting rod boltswhen checking the oil clearance.• Do not turn the connecting rod until thecrankpin oil clearance measurement hasbeen completed.6. Remove the connecting rod cap andmeasure the width of the compressedPlastigauge (PG-1) on each crankpin.Replace the connecting rod bearing if outof specification.Selecting the connecting rod bearing1. When replacing the connecting rod bear-ing, select the suitable bearing as fol-lows.2. Measure the connecting rod big endinside diameter a.Example:TIP:Reuse the removed connecting rod boltswhen measuring the connecting rod bearing.3. Check the crankpin mark b on thecrankshaft.Connecting rod bolt:1st: 23 N·m (2.3 kgf·m, 17.0 ft·lb)2nd: 43 N·m (4.3 kgf·m, 31.7 ft·lb)3rd: 90°90cCrankpin oil clearance (reference data):0.027–0.052 mm (0.0011–0.0020 in)Connecting rod bigend inside diameteraNumerical value intable53.035 mm 35a