8-61LOWR Lower unitRemoving the drive shaftSee “Removing the drive shaft” (8-16) step 1and step 2.1. Pull out the reverse gear assembly.Disassembling the drive shafthousingSee “Disassembling the drive shaft housing”(8-16).Disassembling the reverse gear1. Remove the roller bearing inner race a.2. Remove the needle bearings from thereverse gear.Disassembling the lower case• Use heat-resistant gloves, otherwiseburns could result.• Remove any flammable substances,such as gasoline and oil, around theworking area to avoid the risk of fire.• Heat the lower case in a well-ventilatedarea.1. Remove the water inlet covers.2. Remove the needle bearing a.TIP:Make sure to remove the reverse gear beforeremoving the needle bearing.3. Heat the installation area of the rollerbearing in the lower case with a gastorch, and then remove the roller bearingd and shim(s) (T1) e. NOTICE: Whenheating the lower case, heat the entireinstallation area evenly. Otherwise,the paint on the lower case could beburned.TIP:• Before removing the roller bearing d, placesome cushioning material below the lowercase to catch the outer race when it fallsout.• If the roller bearing does not come out,lightly tap the lower unit torpedo with aplastic hammer.Bearing separator b: 90890-06534Needle bearing attachment c:90890-06608abcBall bearing attachment b: 90890-06636Driver rod LL c: 90890-06605abcbcde